Let's make this post our personal Prezi info area. Share something you learned or noticed about it or ask a question. Read each others' questions, and see if you can help.
This week we're talking about different ways to present information beyond the standard PowerPoint presentation. We're looking at a website called Prezi, which offers users tools to create presentations and share information in interesting ways.

Yesterday we learned a little bit about what it is. Today we learned how some of it works and how to do some basics such as adding text and pictures, moving and resizing objects, and drawing simple motion paths.

Everybody should comment on at least one of these questions.

1. Do you think you might learn more about a subject if you had to create a Prezi presentation about it? Or do you think you would learn more by creating a PowerPoint presentation? (For example, would you have to think harder about how information should be arranged using one or the other?)
2. How are PowerPoint and Prezi similar? How are they different?

We haven't had a good online discussion for a while, so please put some thought in your answers. There were some good presentations today after using the program for only a very short time.
Tomorrow we have guest presenters in class. They'll be talking about safe and responsible use of technology. It's a great topic and great presentation.
Just another friendly reminder, you need to reword information you find about your portfolio topics. The purpose of your website is for you to explain these topics in a way you understand.
We are now completely and forever done with MT4 (regular lessons). You may work on bonus lessons to help your second quarter grade. All keyboarding must be done outside of class time or in class if you are done with all other work. You may do Numeric Keypad, Alphabetic, or Keyboarding Skillbuilder.

Portfolios: You should be done with computer hardware today. I'll grade as many of them in class as possible. If I don't get to your group, you'll show me your page tomorrow.

The next topic is computer networks. Take a look at the PowerPoint presentation under Homework Links. Some people have missed easy points by not answering all questions.

Also make sure to look at the rubric. You MUST paraphrase all information. You may not copy and paste info from websites to use on your pages. You MUST be able to explain the answers to all questions.