Tomorrow's the big day. The last day to finish MT4 lessons during regular class time. If you're not done with lesson 16, you'll have until the end of third quarter to finish. That means you can still use ICE, study hall, lunch, before school, after school, and class time when you're finished with that day's work.

After each class tomorrow, I'll be changing the score for incomplete lessons to zero. Many of you will not be affected by this in any way. Many of you will see a significant drop in your current grade. As you finish lessons (until the end of the quarter) you will receive full credit for them.

Any questions about this, ask me or post your question
Hey, a lot of you are making great progress in MT4. Your goal for today is to be done with lesson 10.

Remember, if you finish lesson 16, work on the numerica keypad lessons. Do lessons 1-5. They're worth one bonus point each.

After that, go to the materials/links page and click the link on 1/27/11. There are a bunch of class-related games (not keyboarding) that you can play. You can visit the sites posted under todays date on that page.
Ready for keyboarding? Whether you answered "yes" or "no", it's that time.

Please let me know in class each time you finish an even numbered lesson. I'll look at your results for two lessons at a time. That way you'll spend less time waiting for me to get around to your seat to look at your screen.

Your goal is to finish one lesson per day. For some, this will be no problem. If you are falling behind right from the start, please see me, and we'll figure out how to keep you up to speed. I will always write passes for ICE, study hall, and lunch for you to come down and work. You can also utilize time before school (just see Mrs. LaCasse) or after school (see me)